Our Pre-K program offers young children a warm and nurturing environment. Each class follows a reliable flow and rhythm that provides children with a sense of safety and security. Daily activities are designed to help develop fine motor and gross motor skills, creativity and imagination, and develop a sense of community and contribution. Our program allows children to start preparing for the kindergarten experience in a gentle and measured way.
We offer a three-day Pre-K program for 3-year-olds that meets Monday - Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We also offer a five-day Pre-K program for 3-year - 4-year, 3-month-olds on Monday - Friday from 8:30 - 12:00 p.m.
Before- and after-school programs are available to extend the day to as early as 7:30 a.m. to as late as 3:00 p.m.​

Time for imaginative play offers our students infinite ways to explore and develop their original ideas. By working together, they develop emotional stamina, communication skills and leadership abilities every day.
Happy childhood memories involve playing, time outdoors and time with friends. The Waldorf curriculum offers children time for these things every day.

A typical day combines creative, practical and physical activities because reliable daily rhythms strengthen and nourish children. The Waldorf curriculum celebrates the seasons and changes in the natural world in ways that appeal to a child's sense of wonder.

Daily Rhythm
8:30 - Indoor play, seasonal activities
9:20 - Bathroom time
9:40 - Tidy away time
9:55 - Rest time
10:05 - Verse, circle time
10:30 - Snack time
10:50 - Dress for outdoors
11:00 - Outdoor play
11:45 - Story time in classroom
12:00 – Pick-up