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Truly Inspired Learning

Waldorf Education

The principles of Waldorf Education evolve from an understanding of human development that addresses the needs of the growing child. Waldorf schools offer a developmentally appropriate, experiential, and academically rigorous approach to education. They integrate the arts in all academic disciplines for children from preschool through twelfth grade to enhance and enrich learning. 

Math, science, foreign language, music, writing, and literature are not simply subjects to be read about and tested. They are experienced. Through these experiences, Waldorf students cultivate their intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities to be individuals certain of their paths and to be of service to the world. 

The first Waldorf school was founded in Stuttgart in 1919. Today there are over 1,100 Waldorf schools and almost 2,000 Waldorf kindergartens in some 80 countries around the globe. In September 2019, schools around the world will be celebrating 100 years of Waldorf education.

Our Teachers

Our teachers are dedicated to generating an inner enthusiasm for learning within every child. This minimizes the need for competitive testing and academic placement. Instead, it inspires learning and allows motivation to arise from within. It also helps to foster the joyful pursuit of life-long learning.

Our Graduates

Professors who have taught Waldorf students note that Waldorf graduates have the ability to integrate thinking; to assimilate information as opposed to memorizing isolated facts; to be flexible, creative and willing to take intellectual risks; and are leaders with high ethical and moral standards who take initiative and are passionate to reach their goals. 


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